martes, 25 de enero de 2011

The Teenage Brain

Everyone passes through teenage years. 'The Teenage Brain' was a video that taught us how and why the teenage brain acts the way it does. When people get into their teenage years, they change a lot. Most teenagers start arguing and disagreeing with their parents at a daily basis for silly things. People at this age tend to complain a lot. Our brain is growing, like a tree, and it will stop growing when we are in our 20’s. One of the big things teenaged people do is misinterpret situations. Teenage brains tend to be ineffective at interpreting some else’s emotions. Teenagers understand a different message than the other person is really trying to communicate by their expression and language. A factor that affects us a lot is the lack of sleep. When teenager’s don’t get enough sleep, it affects their mood and their ability to think. The less rem sleep you get, the less information your brain stores. If you don’t have enough sleep, you will carry out your tasks poorly and not to your full potential. This video interested me a lot because I can relate with it. All the information the video gave us is true, and us teenagers, know it’s true. Our brain is growing and we are still discovering who we are. Adults may not understand us, but they passed through this same period earlier in their lives.